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Educational activities

The curriculum is designed for three groups: undergraduate students, postgraduate students and fellowship students of Hospital Dentistry related to hospital. For undergraduate students, two theoretical units are offered in the ninth and tenth semesters and six practical units in the ninth, tenth and eleventh semesters. The curriculum for the specialty course is planned in six semesters and the fellowship course is planned in one year. Also, foreign specialty students are accepted in this section. Some of the syllabus contents of the integrated units such as cariology, traumatology, pain and medicine and laser are taught by this group.


Research activities

The research activities of the group are aimed at improving the research skills of faculty members, postgraduate and undergraduate students in the form of the following functions:

  • Participation of the members in training courses in the field of research
  • Implementation of research projects in line with the research priorities of the group
  • Preparation of scientific articles and its publication in reputable national and international journals
  • Preparation of specific case reports and publication in reputable journals
  • Design and implementation of undergraduate and postgraduate thesis projects
  • Participation in national and international congresses
  • Collaborate with other national and international research centers
  • Research activities in education to improve educational quality


Treatment activities

Providing health care to patients by undergraduate and postgraduate students under direct supervision of faculty members in the following sub-groups:

  • Preventive strategies for the permanent and primary teeth of children and adolescents (including fluoride therapies, fissure sealants)
  • Restoration of the permanent and primary teeth of children and adolescents (including composite and amalgam restorations and children's prefabricated crown)
  • Root canal therapies of primary teeth (including pulpotomy and pulpectomy)
  • Root canal therapies of young permanent teeth (including apexogenesis treatments for the anterior and posterior teeth, apexification for the anterior teeth, pulp regeneration)
  • Extraction of permanent and primary teeth for children and adolescents
  • Placement of all types of space maintainer (fixed and removable)
  • Limited / preventive orthodontic treatments of children in the primary and mixed dentition
  • Treatment of various types of traumatic injuries to the primary and permanent teeth
  • Limited oral surgeries in children
  • Comprehensive dental treatment under general anesthesia / oral and inhalational sedation, in the operating room of the department and Children's Medical Center
  • Providing dentistry treatments under general anesthesia for children with systemic problems at the Children's Medical Center
  • Interdepartmental collaboration for treating patients in other groups under general anesthesia and sedation setting
  • Teaching the principles of child behavior control in dentistry
  • Collaboration with Children's Medical Center for dental treatments for children in need of special care
  • Collaboration with the Autism Center
  • Collaboration with the EB center
  • Teaching parents of patients for dental problems / oral disease prevention methods
Theme settings