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  • تاریخ انتشار : Sep 23 2024 - 09:21
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 91
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

International Deputy of Dental Faculty Visit Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia

Dr. Amir Raei, International Deputy of the Dental Faculty, and his accompanying delegation visited the Privolzhsky Medical University in Russia.

Dr. Amir Raee, Deputy Dean of International Affairs, along with a

delegation from the Faculty of Dentistry, visited Privolzhsky Research

Medical University in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, from September 25 to

28, 2023.

According to Sina Media, a delegation from Tehran University of

Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, headed by Dr. Amir Raee Dehaqi,

Deputy Dean of International Affairs, and accompanied by Dr. Fatemeh

Farzaneh Farid and Dr. Azamolsadat Mostafavi, faculty members,

visited Privolzhsky Research Medical University in Nizhny Novgorod,


Dr. Raee stated: "The main purpose of this trip was to explore opportunities for scientific and research collaboration with Privolzhsky University." He added, "During this visit, a joint scientific symposium was held where professors and researchers from both universities presented their latest scientific achievements. This scientific event provided an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and gaining a better understanding of each other's scientific capabilities."

He further mentioned, "In addition to participating in the symposium, we had the opportunity to visit various departments of Privolzhsky University, including dentistry departments, research centers, and laboratories. These visits gave us a comprehensive view of the infrastructure and research activities of this university." 

The International Deputy of the Dental Faculty, highlighting the wide range of collaboration opportunities between the two universities, emphasized: "Given the scientific and research capabilities of both parties, we can initiate joint collaborations in various fields of dentistry, including basic research, clinical studies, and new technologies. Furthermore, student and faculty exchanges can significantly contribute to strengthening scientific and cultural relations between the two countries."

In conclusion, Dr. Raee expressed optimism about the future of scientific collaboration between the two universities, stressing that this trip is just the beginning. He stated, "By synergizing the capabilities of both sides, we can achieve great accomplishments in the field of dentistry and make significant contributions to the advancement of science in this area."


  • گروه خبری : Office of the Chancellor,Scientific achievement, scientific event
  • کد خبر : 278803
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